Preserving Trust: Our Customer Data Protection —
Your Confidence in an Era of Increasing Data Collection

SSS@SG is Asia's largest safe deposit box facility with DPTM certification banner

Two recent incidences involving private data leaks highlight the importance of data security. The first incident, at Cortina Watch, involved the leak of more than 30,000 customers' information. The second occurred at Fullerton Health, where a vendor-managed patient’s appointment system, was hacked. More than 150,000 patient data were leaked. In both instances hackers illegally penetrated the organisations’ servers, stole both customers and trade data, and then demanded for ransom before releasing the data into the darkweb for sale.

Data privacy has always been important but it has risen up in priority since the turn of the decade. The lack of control on such data has seen consumers worldwide being subject to unsolicited sales calls, and make them targets of more malicious scams and identity theft. This gives rise to many governments around the world legislating Data Protection and Privacy laws. 137 countries in the world have implemented such legislation, including Singapore.

In Singapore, the government enacted the PDPA (Personal Data Protection Act) and it became law in 2012. Organisations are required to comply to the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) especially the 9 Obligations of PDPA when collecting, using or disclosing personal data.

Data privacy helps consumers like you control what information you choose to keep personal. All individuals have the right to prevent their personal information from being used or shared without their consent, even if this sharing would not potentially lead to data theft or other cybercrimes.

Singapore G takes this responsibility very seriously and underwent the Data Protection Trust Mark (DPTM) certification process. Third party independent consultants and auditor reviewed our business processes and IT system setup and measured them against industry benchmarks.

The data protection process encompasses many aspects. Beginning with the appointment of a data steward who will ensure that all our staff are trained in data handling. Review sales processes to ensure we do not collect unnecessary personal data. The security of servers and IT systems that protect customers’ data from creation all the way through data disposal.

We are happy to announce that we are now DPTM certified by Information and Media Development Authority. In line with our mission to provide value added services to our customers, we are committed to ensuring that even their personal data is safeguarded.